भिडियोको लागी तल क्लिक गर्नुहोला >>> A Sixteen year old boy of Lusaka’s Chaisa area has been arrested for alleged bestiality. The boy who was caught naked having sex with a dog at around 01:00 hours on Friday morning fled the scene after a crowd tried to apprehend him. Police Spokesperson Elizabeth Kanjela has confirmed the arrest of the man. And a ZNBC news crew that rushed to Chaisa police post where he was first taken after the arrest found a group of people around the area. Some who witnessed the arrest claim that the boy had told them that he performed the unlawful act because he lacked a girlfriend? Others say this is not the first time the boy has been seen by neighbours carrying out the act. By broadcast time the boy had been transferred to Emmasdale police for questioning.
झापामा सुँगुरलाई करणी गर्ने नरपशु रंगेहात पक्राउ।
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भिडियोको लागी तल क्लिक गर्नुहोला >>>
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